Liar, Liar(2023)
A história que envolve vida escolar, jogos mentais e comédia romântica se passa na ilha “Academia“, onde os alunos se enfrentam para determinar suas classificações. Hiroto Shinohara obteve a nota mais alta de todos os tempos no vestibular, o mais difícil de todo o país. Em seu primeiro dia na escola, ele derrota a “rainha reinante” anterior, Sarasa Saionji, e se torna o aluno mais rápido de todos os tempos a se juntar à elite da escola Seven Stars. Entretanto, ele não fez realmente todas essas coisas, todas as suas conquistas se construíram por meio de mentiras. Agora, para manter sua posição no topo, ele deve lutar contra todos os jogos mentais impostos pela escola utilizando como seu principal artifício as mentiras e blefes.
Elenco principal

Yukina Shutou
Shirayuki Himeji
Wakana Kuramochi
Sarasa Saionji
Rika Tachibana
Noa AkizukiMidia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - The King and the Lie
On Academy Island, elite students fight for ranks in games. When transfer student Hiroto somehow defeats champion Sarasa to gain the title of Seven Stars, he realizes the games are built on lies. But what brought Hiroto to the island in the first place?

3 - A Dead Heat and Determination
Hiroto faces a new challenger in the form of the Empresss #1 fan, Kugasaki Seiran. Can the Company help Hiroto to win or will he have to rely on his wits and guile to emerge victorious?

4 - Chocolate and the Devil
Hiroto encounters a challenging new opponent in the form of the devilishly cute Akizuki Noa. Shirayuki is transferred to Eimei Academy to support Hiroto as he prepares for a series of risky mock games in the daunting All-Campus Elimination Battle.

5 - A Fighting Chance in Eyes of Blue
Noa forces Hiroto to play against Himeji in a challenging card game during the Elimination Battle. Himeji repeatedly warns Hiroto that she must not lose. Hiroto wonders what Noa is planning and who else might be influencing her from behind the scenes.

6 - Treasures in the Darkness
Hiroto faces off against Noa in a game of Boardtop Treasure Hunt inside an empty school building. He tries to devise a way to finish the game and save Himeji without losing any Stars, but it truly appears that Noa has the upper hand this time.

7 - Silence and Change
The All-Campus Elimination Battle concludes and Eimeis representatives for the May Inter-Academy Battle have been selected. But what challenges will this new island-wide competition present for Hiroto?

8 - Good Night
Hiroto and the Eimei group make their first moves in the ASTRAL domination game, but tension within the team casts a shadow over their chances. Meanwhile, the mysterious Empress doppelgänger lurks in the shadows, preparing to take action against Saionji.

9 - Facing Off and Flushing Out
With the ASTRAL game well underway, Sarasas doppelgänger has a new trick: impersonating other players to take out whole teams. Will this prove to be a game-ending threat for Hirotos Eimei team?

10 - Heroes and Tricks
After Hiroto eliminates himself from contention in the ASTRAL game, he sets his new plan into motion by involving an ally at Libra. But can he master the concurrent MTCG game before Eimei gets wiped out in ASTRAL?

11 - Soldiers and Friends
A triumphant Hiroto returns to the ASTRAL game, ready to take charge of his new army of allied academies. But will their combined might be enough to take down Miss Hundred Faces and thwart Kurahashi Mikados plans?

12 - Together with You
ASTRAL reaches its final day with only three participants remaining. But after the failure of Hirotos last plan, will he be able to come up with a new one before Miss Hundred Faces can finish him and Sarasa off?